Game Theory and Strategic Decision-Making (Bachelor)

Instructor: Florian Hett | Tutorial and coordination of the course: Christiane Buschinger, Julian Detemple

This course consists of a two-hour lecture and a one-hour tutorial (held biweekly). It regularly takes place in the summer term and is taught entirely in English. To earn credit, students need to pass a pen-and-paper exam.

The course gives an introduction to game theory and presents a series of applications. It builds on the textbook "Strategy: An introduction to game theory" by Joel Watson.

The course is complementary to the courses "Microeconomics II", "Managerial Economics and Firm Strategies", "Corporate Finance" and "Öffentliche Finanzen" and it is hence recommended to take at least some of those courses in addition.

Summer Term 2025:

  • lecture will be on Tuesdays at 14.15 h in P 11
  • tutorial will be on Mondays at 14.15 h in RW 4